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Spawning Futures

The use_future and use_coroutine hooks are useful if you want to unconditionally spawn the future. Sometimes, though, you'll want to only spawn a future in response to an event, such as a mouse click. For example, suppose you need to send a request when the user clicks a "log in" button. For this, you can use cx.spawn:

let logged_in = use_state(cx, || false);

let log_in = move |_| {
        let logged_in = logged_in.to_owned();

        async move {
            let resp = reqwest::Client::new()

            match resp {
                Ok(_data) => {
                    println!("Login successful!");
                Err(_err) => {
                        "Login failed - you need a login server running on localhost:8080."

cx.render(rsx! {
    button {
        onclick: log_in,

Note: spawn will always spawn a new future. You most likely don't want to call it on every render.

Calling spawn will give you a JoinHandle which lets you cancel or pause the future.

Spawning Tokio Tasks

Sometimes, you might want to spawn a background task that needs multiple threads or talk to hardware that might block your app code. In these cases, we can directly spawn a Tokio task from our future. For Dioxus-Desktop, your task will be spawned onto Tokio's Multithreaded runtime:

cx.spawn(async {
    let _ = tokio::spawn(async {}).await;

    let _ = tokio::task::spawn_local(async {
        // some !Send work