You are currently viewing the docs for Dioxus 0.5.7 which is no longer maintained.


The cookbook contains common recipes for different patterns within Dioxus.

There are a few different sections in the cookbook:

  • Publishing will teach you how to present your app in a variety of delicious forms.
  • Explore the Anti-patterns section to discover what ingredients to avoid when preparing your application.
  • Within Error Handling, we'll master the fine art of managing spoiled ingredients in Dioxus.
  • Take a culinary journey through State management, where we'll explore the world of handling local, global, and external state in Dioxus.
  • Integrations will guide you how to seamlessly blend external libraries into your Dioxus culinary creations.
  • Testing explains how to examine the unique flavor of Dioxus-specific features, like components.
  • Tailwind reveals the secrets of combining your Tailwind and Dioxus ingredients into a complete meal. You will also learn about using other NPM ingredients (packages) with Dioxus.
  • In the Custom Renderer section, we embark on a cooking adventure, inventing new ways to cook with Dioxus!
  • Optimizing will show you how to maximize the quality of your ingredients.