You are currently viewing the docs for Dioxus 0.5.7 which is no longer maintained.

Props Migration

In dioxus 0.4, props are passed into the component through the scope. In dioxus 0.5, props are passed into the component through the props struct directly.

Owned Props

The props were borrowed with the lifetime from the scope. The props are cloned every render, and passed into the component as an owned value.

Dioxus 0.4:

fn Comp(cx: Scope, name: String) -> Element {
    // You pass in an owned prop, but inside the component, it is borrowed (name is the type &String inside the function)
    let owned_name: String = name.clone();

    cx.render(rsx! {
        "Hello {owned_name}"

Dioxus 0.5:

// In dioxus 0.5, props are always owned. You pass in owned props and you get owned props in the body of the component
fn Comp(name: String) -> Element {
    // Name is owned here already (name is the type String inside the function)
    let owned_name: String = name;

    rsx! {"Hello {owned_name}"}

Because props are cloned every render, making props Copy is recommended. You can easily make a field Copy by accepting ReadOnlySignal<T> instead of T in the props struct:

// In dioxus 0.5, props are always owned. You pass in owned props and you get owned props in the body of the component
fn CopyPropsComp(name: ReadOnlySignal<String>) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            // You can easily copy the value of a signal into a closure
            onclick: move |_| {
                println!("Hello {name}");
                async move {
                    println!("Hello {name}");
            "Click me"

fn CopyPropsCompParent() -> Element {
    rsx! { CopyPropsComp { name: "World" } }

Borrowed Props

Borrowed props are removed in dioxus 0.5. Mapped signals can act similarly to borrowed props if your props are borrowed from state.

Dioxus 0.4:

fn Parent(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    let state = use_state(cx, || (1, "World".to_string()));
    rsx! {
        BorrowedComp {
            name: &state.get().1

fn BorrowedComp<'a>(cx: Scope<'a>, name: &'a str) -> Element<'a> {
    rsx! {
        "Hello {name}"

Dioxus 0.5:

fn Parent() -> Element {
    let state = use_signal(|| (1, "World".to_string()));

    rsx! { BorrowedComp { name:|s| &s.1) } }

fn BorrowedComp(name: MappedSignal<String>) -> Element {
    rsx! {"Hello {name}"}

Manual Props

Manual prop structs in dioxus 0.5 need to derive Clone in addition to Props and PartialEq:

Dioxus 0.4:

#[derive(Props, PartialEq)]
struct ManualProps {
    name: String,

// Functions accept the props directly instead of the scope
fn ManualPropsComponent(cx: Scope<ManualProps>) -> Element {
    render! {
        "Hello {}"

Dioxus 0.5:

#[derive(Props, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct ManualProps {
    name: String,

// Functions accept the props directly instead of the component
fn ManualPropsComponent(props: ManualProps) -> Element {
    rsx! {"Hello {}"}