You are currently viewing the docs for Dioxus 0.5.7 which is no longer maintained.


If your application supports multiple languages, the Dioxus SDK crate contains helpers to make working with translations in your application easier.

The full code for internationalization

use dioxus::prelude::*;
use dioxus_sdk::i18n::*;
use dioxus_sdk::translate;
use std::str::FromStr;

fn main() {

static EN_US: &str = r#"{
    "id": "en-US",
    "texts": {
        "messages": {
            "hello_world": "Hello World!"
        "messages.hello": "Hello {name}"
static ES_ES: &str = r#"{
    "id": "es-ES",
    "texts": {
        "messages": {
            "hello_world": "Hola Mundo!"
        "messages.hello": "Hola {name}"

fn Body() -> Element {
    let mut i18 = use_i18();

    let change_to_english = move |_| i18.set_language("en-US".parse().unwrap());
    let change_to_spanish = move |_| i18.set_language("es-ES".parse().unwrap());

    rsx! {
        button { onclick: change_to_english, label { "English" } }
        button { onclick: change_to_spanish, label { "Spanish" } }
        p { {translate!(i18, "messages.hello_world")} }
        p { {translate!(i18, "messages.hello", name: "Dioxus")} }

fn app() -> Element {
    use_init_i18n("en-US".parse().unwrap(), "en-US".parse().unwrap(), || {
        let en_us = Language::from_str(EN_US).unwrap();
        let es_es = Language::from_str(ES_ES).unwrap();
        vec![en_us, es_es]

    rsx! { Body {} }