You are currently viewing the docs for Dioxus 0.5.7 which is no longer maintained.


This example shows what not to do and provides a reason why a given pattern is considered an "AntiPattern". Most anti-patterns are considered wrong for performance or code re-usability reasons.

Unnecessarily Nested Fragments

Fragments don't mount a physical element to the DOM immediately, so Dioxus must recurse into its children to find a physical DOM node. This process is called "normalization". This means that deeply nested fragments make Dioxus perform unnecessary work. Prefer one or two levels of fragments / nested components until presenting a true DOM element.

Only Component and Fragment nodes are susceptible to this issue. Dioxus mitigates this with components by providing an API for registering shared state without the Context Provider pattern.

// ❌ Don't unnecessarily nest fragments
let _ = rsx! {
    Fragment {
        Fragment {
            Fragment {
                Fragment {
                    Fragment { div { "Finally have a real node!" } }

// ✅ Render shallow structures
rsx! { div { "Finally have a real node!" } }

Incorrect Iterator Keys

As described in the dynamic rendering chapter, list items must have unique keys that are associated with the same items across renders. This helps Dioxus associate state with the contained components and ensures good diffing performance. Do not omit keys, unless you know that the list will never change.

let data: &HashMap<_, _> = &;

// ❌ No keys
rsx! {
    ul {
        for value in data.values() {
            li { "List item: {value}" }

// ❌ Using index as keys
rsx! {
    ul {
        for (index , value) in data.values().enumerate() {
            li { key: "{index}", "List item: {value}" }

// ✅ Using unique IDs as keys:
rsx! {
    ul {
        for (key , value) in {
            li { key: "{key}", "List item: {value}" }

Avoid Interior Mutability in Props

While it is technically acceptable to have a Mutex or a RwLock in the props, they will be difficult to use.

Suppose you have a struct User containing the field username: String. If you pass a Mutex<User> prop to a UserComponent component, that component may wish to write to the username field. However, when it does, the parent component will not be aware of the change, and the component will not re-render which causes the UI to be out of sync with the state. Instead, consider passing down a reactive value like a Signal or immutable data.

// ❌ Mutex/RwLock/RefCell in props
#[derive(Props, Clone)]
struct AntipatternInteriorMutability {
    map: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<u32, String>>>,

impl PartialEq for AntipatternInteriorMutability {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        std::rc::Rc::ptr_eq(&, &

fn AntipatternInteriorMutability(map: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<u32, String>>>) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            onclick: {
                let map = map.clone();
                move |_| {
                    // Writing to map will not rerun any components
                    map.borrow_mut().insert(0, "Hello".to_string());
            "Mutate map"
        // Since writing to map will not rerun any components, this will get out of date

// ✅ Use a signal to pass mutable state
fn AntipatternInteriorMutabilitySignal(map: Signal<HashMap<u32, String>>) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            onclick: move |_| {
                // Writing to map will rerun any components that read the map
                map.write().insert(0, "Hello".to_string());
            "Mutate map"
        // Since writing to map will rerun subscribers, this will get updated

Avoid Updating State During Render

Every time you update the state, Dioxus needs to re-render the component – this is inefficient! Consider refactoring your code to avoid this.

Also, if you unconditionally update the state during render, it will be re-rendered in an infinite loop.

// ❌ Updating state in render
let first_signal = use_signal(|| 0);
let mut second_signal = use_signal(|| 0);

// Updating the state during a render can easily lead to infinite loops
if first_signal() + 1 != second_signal() {
    second_signal.set(first_signal() + 1);

// ✅ Update state in an effect
let first_signal = use_signal(|| 0);
let mut second_signal = use_signal(|| 0);

// The closure you pass to use_effect will be rerun whenever any of the dependencies change without re-rendering the component
use_effect(move || {
    if first_signal() + 1 != second_signal() {
        second_signal.set(first_signal() + 1);

// ✅ Deriving state with use_memo
let first_signal = use_signal(|| 0);
// Memos are specifically designed for derived state. If your state fits this pattern, use it.
let second_signal = use_memo(move || first_signal() + 1);

Avoid Large Groups of State

It can be tempting to have a single large state struct that contains all of your application's state. However, this can lead to issues:

  • It can be easy to accidentally mutate the state in a way that causes an infinite loop
  • It can be difficult to reason about when and how the state is updated
  • It can lead to performance issues because many components will need to re-render when the state changes

Instead, consider breaking your state into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will make it easier to reason about the state, avoid update loops, and improve performance.

fn app() -> Element {
    // ❌ Large state struct
    #[derive(Props, Clone, PartialEq)]
    struct LargeState {
        users: Vec<User>,
        logged_in: bool,
        warnings: Vec<String>,

    #[derive(Props, Clone, PartialEq)]
    struct User {
        name: String,
        email: String,

    let mut all_my_state = use_signal(|| LargeState {
        users: vec![User {
            name: "Alice".to_string(),
            email: "".to_string(),
        logged_in: true,
        warnings: vec![],

    use_effect(move || {
        // It is very easy to accidentally read and write to the state object if it contains all your state
        let read =;
        let logged_in = read.logged_in;
        if !logged_in {
                .push("You are not logged in".to_string());

    // ✅ Use multiple signals to manage state
    let users = use_signal(|| {
        vec![User {
            name: "Alice".to_string(),
            email: "".to_string(),
    let logged_in = use_signal(|| true);
    let mut warnings = use_signal(|| vec![]);

    use_effect(move || {
        // Now you can read and write to separate signals which will not cause issues
        if !logged_in() {
            warnings.write().push("You are not logged in".to_string());

    // ✅ Use memos to create derived state when larger states are unavoidable
    // Notice we didn't split everything into separate signals. Users still make sense as a vec of data
    let users = use_signal(|| {
        vec![User {
            name: "Alice".to_string(),
            email: "".to_string(),
    let logged_in = use_signal(|| true);
    let warnings: Signal<Vec<String>> = use_signal(|| vec![]);

    // In child components, you can use the memo to create derived that will only update when a specific part of the state changes
    // This will help you avoid unnecessary re-renders and infinite loops
    fn FirstUser(users: Signal<Vec<User>>) -> Element {
        let first_user = use_memo(move ||;

        rsx! {
            div {
                "First user: {first_user().name}"

    rsx! {
        FirstUser {

Running Non-Deterministic Code in the Body of a Component

If you have a component that contains non-deterministic code, that code should generally not be run in the body of the component. If it is put in the body of the component, it will be executed every time the component is re-rendered which can lead to performance issues.

Instead, consider moving the non-deterministic code into a hook that only runs when the component is first created or an effect that reruns when dependencies change.

// ❌ Non-deterministic code in the body of a component
fn NonDeterministic(name: String) -> Element {
    let my_random_id = rand::random::<u64>();

    rsx! {
        div {
            // Id will change every single time the component is re-rendered
            id: "{my_random_id}",
            "Hello {name}"

// ✅ Use a hook to run non-deterministic code
fn NonDeterministicHook(name: String) -> Element {
    // If you store the result of the non-deterministic code in a hook, it will stay the same between renders
    let my_random_id = use_hook(|| rand::random::<u64>());

    rsx! {
        div {
            id: "{my_random_id}",
            "Hello {name}"

Overly Permissive PartialEq for Props

You may have noticed that Props requires a PartialEq implementation. That PartialEq is very important for Dioxus to work correctly. It is used to determine if a component should re-render or not when the parent component re-renders.

If you cannot derive PartialEq for your Props, you will need to implement it yourself. If you do implement PartialEq, make sure to return false any time the props change in a way that would cause the UI in the child component to change.

In general, returning false from PartialEq if you aren't sure if the props have changed or not is better than returning true. This will help you avoid out of date UI in your child components.

// ❌ Permissive PartialEq for Props
#[derive(Props, Clone)]
struct PermissivePartialEqProps {
    name: String,

// This will cause the component to **never** re-render when the parent component re-renders
impl PartialEq for PermissivePartialEqProps {
    fn eq(&self, _: &Self) -> bool {

fn PermissivePartialEq(name: PermissivePartialEqProps) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        div {
            "Hello {}"

fn PermissivePartialEqParent() -> Element {
    let name = use_signal(|| "Alice".to_string());

    rsx! {
        PermissivePartialEq {
            // The PermissivePartialEq component will not get the updated value of name because the PartialEq implementation says that the props are the same
            name: name()

// ✅ Derive PartialEq for Props
#[derive(Props, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct DerivePartialEqProps {
    name: String,

fn DerivePartialEq(name: DerivePartialEqProps) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        div {
            "Hello {}"

fn DerivePartialEqParent() -> Element {
    let name = use_signal(|| "Alice".to_string());

    rsx! {
        DerivePartialEq {
            name: name()

// ✅ Return false from PartialEq if you are unsure if the props have changed
struct NonPartialEq;

#[derive(Props, Clone)]
struct RcPartialEqProps {
    name: Rc<NonPartialEq>,

impl PartialEq for RcPartialEqProps {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        // This will almost always return false because the Rc will likely point to a different value
        // Implementing PartialEq for NonPartialEq would be better, but if it is controlled by another library, it may not be possible
        // **Always** return false if you are unsure if the props have changed
        std::rc::Rc::ptr_eq(&, &

fn RcPartialEq(name: RcPartialEqProps) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        div {
            "Hello {}"

fn RcPartialEqParent() -> Element {
    let name = use_signal(|| Rc::new(NonPartialEq));

    rsx! {
        RcPartialEq {
            // Generally, RcPartialEq will rerun even if the value of name hasn't actually changed because the Rc will point to a different value
            name: name()