
Dioxus Reference

This Reference contains more detailed explanations for all concepts covered in the guide and more.


  • RSX: Rsx is a HTML-like macro that allows you to declare UI
  • Components: Components are the building blocks of UI in Dioxus
  • Props: Props allow you pass information to Components
  • Event Listeners: Event listeners let you respond to user input
  • User Input: How to handle User input in Dioxus
  • Dynamic Rendering: How to dynamically render data in Dioxus


  • Hooks: Hooks allow you to create components state
  • Context: Context allows you to create state in a parent and consume it in children
  • Routing: The router helps you manage the URL state
  • Resource: Use future allows you to create an async task and monitor it's state
  • UseCoroutine: Use coroutine helps you manage external state
  • Spawn: Spawn creates an async task


  • Choosing a Web Renderer: Overview of the different web renderers
  • Desktop: Overview of desktop specific APIS
  • Web: Overview of web specific APIS
  • Fullstack: Overview of Fullstack specific APIS
    • Server Functions: Server functions make it easy to communicate between your server and client
    • Extractors: Extractors allow you to get extra information out of the headers of a request
    • Middleware: Middleware allows you to wrap a server function request or response
    • Authentication: An overview of how to handle authentication with server functions
    • Routing: An overview of how to work with the router in the fullstack renderer
  • SSR: Overview of the SSR renderer
  • TUI: Overview of web specific APIS
  • Liveview: Overview of liveview specific APIS