Event Handlers

Event handlers are used to respond to user actions. For example, an event handler could be triggered when the user clicks, scrolls, moves the mouse, or types a character.

Event handlers are attached to elements. For example, we usually don't care about all the clicks that happen within an app, only those on a particular button.

Event handlers are similar to regular attributes, but their name usually starts with on- and they accept closures as values. The closure will be called whenever the event it listens for is triggered and will be passed that event.

For example, to handle clicks on an element, we can specify an onclick handler:

rsx! {
    button { onclick: move |event| log::info!("Clicked! Event: {event:?}"), "click me!" }

The Event object

Event handlers receive an Event object containing information about the event. Different types of events contain different types of data. For example, mouse-related events contain MouseData, which tells you things like where the mouse was clicked and what mouse buttons were used.

In the example above, this event data was logged to the terminal:

Clicked! Event: UiEvent { bubble_state: Cell { value: true }, data: MouseData { coordinates: Coordinates { screen: (242.0, 256.0), client: (26.0, 17.0), element: (16.0, 7.0), page: (26.0, 17.0) }, modifiers: (empty), held_buttons: EnumSet(), trigger_button: Some(Primary) } }
Clicked! Event: UiEvent { bubble_state: Cell { value: true }, data: MouseData { coordinates: Coordinates { screen: (242.0, 256.0), client: (26.0, 17.0), element: (16.0, 7.0), page: (26.0, 17.0) }, modifiers: (empty), held_buttons: EnumSet(), trigger_button: Some(Primary) } }

To learn what the different event types for HTML provide, read the events module docs.

Event propagation

Some events will trigger first on the element the event originated at upward. For example, a click event on a button inside a div would first trigger the button's event listener and then the div's event listener.

For more information about event propagation see the mdn docs on event bubbling

If you want to prevent this behavior, you can call stop_propagation() on the event:

rsx! {
    div { onclick: move |_event| {},
        button {
            onclick: move |event| {

Prevent Default

Some events have a default behavior. For keyboard events, this might be entering the typed character. For mouse events, this might be selecting some text.

In some instances, might want to avoid this default behavior. For this, you can add the prevent_default attribute with the name of the handler whose default behavior you want to stop. This attribute can be used for multiple handlers using their name separated by spaces:

rsx! {
    a {
        href: "https://example.com",
        onclick: |evt| {
            log::info!("link clicked")

Any event handlers will still be called.

Normally, in React or JavaScript, you'd call "preventDefault" on the event in the callback. Dioxus does not currently support this behavior. Note: this means you cannot conditionally prevent default behavior based on the data in the event.

Handler Props

Sometimes, you might want to make a component that accepts an event handler. A simple example would be a FancyButton component, which accepts an onclick handler:

#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Props)]
pub struct FancyButtonProps {
    onclick: EventHandler<MouseEvent>,

pub fn FancyButton(props: FancyButtonProps) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            class: "fancy-button",
            onclick: move |evt| props.onclick.call(evt),
            "click me pls."

Then, you can use it like any other handler:

rsx! {
    FancyButton {
        onclick: move |event| println!("Clicked! {event:?}"),

Note: just like any other attribute, you can name the handlers anything you want! Any closure you pass in will automatically be turned into an EventHandler.

Async Event Handlers

Passing EventHandlers as props does not support passing a closure that returns an async block. Instead, you must manually call spawn to do async operations:

rsx! {
    FancyButton {
        // This does not work!
        // onclick: move |event| async move {
        //      println!("Clicked! {event:?}");
        // },

        // This does work!
        onclick: move |event| {
            spawn(async move {
                println!("Clicked! {event:?}");

This is only the case for custom event handlers as props.

Custom Data

Event Handlers are generic over any type, so you can pass in any data you want to them, e.g:

struct ComplexData(i32);

#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Props)]
pub struct CustomFancyButtonProps {
    onclick: EventHandler<ComplexData>,

pub fn CustomFancyButton(props: CustomFancyButtonProps) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            class: "fancy-button",
            onclick: move |_| props.onclick.call(ComplexData(0)),
            "click me pls."