Dioxus Reference
This Reference contains more detailed explanations for all concepts covered in the guide and more.
Rsx is a HTML-like macro that allows you to declare UIComponents
Components are the building blocks of UI in DioxusProps
Props allow you pass information to ComponentsEvent Listeners
Event listeners let you respond to user inputUser Input
How to handle User input in DioxusDynamic Rendering
How to dynamically render data in Dioxus
Hooks allow you to create components stateContext
Context allows you to create state in a parent and consume it in childrenRouting
The router helps you manage the URL stateResource
Use future allows you to create an async task and monitor it's stateUseCoroutine
Use coroutine helps you manage external stateSpawn
Spawn creates an async task
Choosing a Web Renderer
Overview of the different web renderersDesktop
Overview of desktop specific APISWeb
Overview of web specific APISFullstack
Overview of Fullstack specific APISServer Functions
Server functions make it easy to communicate between your server and clientExtractors
Extractors allow you to get extra information out of the headers of a requestMiddleware
Middleware allows you to wrap a server function request or responseAuthentication
An overview of how to handle authentication with server functionsRouting
An overview of how to work with the router in the fullstack renderer
Overview of the SSR rendererLiveview
Overview of liveview specific APIS