You can easily integrate your fullstack application with a client side router using the launch_router
macro. The launch_router
macro works the same as the launch
macro except it accepts a Router instead of a Component:
#![allow(non_snake_case)] use dioxus::prelude::*; use dioxus_fullstack::prelude::*; use dioxus_router::prelude::*; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; fn main() { let config = LaunchBuilder::<FullstackRouterConfig<Route>>::router(); #[cfg(feature = "ssr")] config .incremental( IncrementalRendererConfig::default() .invalidate_after(std::time::Duration::from_secs(120)), ) .launch(); #[cfg(not(feature = "ssr"))] config.launch(); } #[derive(Clone, Routable, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] enum Route { #[route("/")] Home {}, #[route("/blog/:id")] Blog { id: i32 }, } #[component] fn Blog(cx: Scope, id: i32) -> Element { render! { Link { to: Route::Home {}, "Go to counter" } table { tbody { for _ in 0..*id { tr { for _ in 0..*id { td { "hello world!" } } } } } } } } #[component] fn Home(cx: Scope) -> Element { let mut count = use_state(cx, || 0); let text = use_state(cx, || "...".to_string()); cx.render(rsx! { Link { to: Route::Blog { id: *count.get() }, "Go to blog" } div { h1 { "High-Five counter: {count}" } button { onclick: move |_| count += 1, "Up high!" } button { onclick: move |_| count -= 1, "Down low!" } button { onclick: move |_| { to_owned![text]; async move { if let Ok(data) = get_server_data().await { println!("Client received: {}", data); text.set(data.clone()); post_server_data(data).await.unwrap(); } } }, "Run server function!" } "Server said: {text}" } }) } #[server(PostServerData)] async fn post_server_data(data: String) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> { println!("Server received: {}", data); Ok(()) } #[server(GetServerData)] async fn get_server_data() -> Result<String, ServerFnError> { Ok("Hello from the server!".to_string()) }