Programmatic Navigation

Sometimes we want our application to navigate to another page without having theuser click on a link. This is called programmatic navigation.

Using a Navigator

We can get a navigator with the [use_navigator] hook. This hook returns a [Navigator].

We can use the [Navigator] to trigger four different kinds of navigation:

  • push will navigate to the target. It works like a regular anchor tag.
  • replace works like push, except that it replaces the current history entryinstead of adding a new one. This means the prior page cannot be restored with the browser's back button.
  • Go back works like the browser's back button.
  • Go forward works like the browser's forward button.
fn Home(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    let nav = use_navigator(cx);

    // push
    nav.push(Route::PageNotFound { route: vec![] });

    // replace
    nav.replace(Route::Home {});

    // go back

    // go forward

    render! {
        h1 { "Welcome to the Dioxus Blog!" }

You might have noticed that, like [Link], the [Navigator]s push andreplace functions take a [NavigationTarget]. This means we can use either[Internal], or [External] targets.

External Navigation Targets

Unlike a [Link], the [Navigator] cannot rely on the browser (or webview) tohandle navigation to external targets via a generated anchor element.

This means, that under certain conditions, navigation to external targets canfail.