
Dioxus has a wide range of supported platforms, each with their own logging requirements. We'll discuss the different options available for your projects.

Dioxus Logger

Dioxus provides a first-party logger as part of launch. This sets up a tracing subscriber that cleanly integrates with the Dioxus CLI and platforms like Web and Mobile. In development mode, the Debug tracing level is set, and in release only the Info level is set.

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    dioxus::launch(|| {
        // Will only log in "dev" mode
        tracing::debug!("Rendering app!");

        // Will log in dev and release
        tracing::info!("Rendering app!");

        rsx! {}

To override the default or initialize the logger before launch, you can use the init function yourself:

To use Dioxus Logger, call the init() function:

use tracing::Level;

fn main() {
    // Init logger
    dioxus_logger::init(Level::INFO).expect("failed to init logger");

    // Dioxus launch code
    dioxus::launch(|| rsx! {})

The Tracing Crate

The Tracing crate is the logging interface that the dioxus-logger uses. It is not required to use the Tracing crate, but you will not receive logs from the Dioxus library.

The Tracing crate provides a variety of simple println-like macros with varying levels of severity. The available macros are as follows with the highest severity on the bottom:

fn main() {

All the loggers provided on this page are, besides configuration and initialization, interfaced using these macros. Often you will also utilize the Tracing crate's Level enum. This enum usually represents the maximum log severity you want your application to emit and can be loaded from a variety of sources such as configuration file, environment variable, and more.

For more information, visit the Tracing crate's docs.

Platform Intricacies

On web, Dioxus Logger will use tracing-wasm. On Desktop and server-based targets, Dioxus Logger will use tracing-subscriber's FmtSubscriber.

Viewing Logs

Android logs are sent to logcat. To use logcat through the Android debugger, run:

adb -d logcat

Your Android device will need developer options/usb debugging enabled.

For more information, visit android_logger's docs.

iOS logs are sent to oslog.

For more information, visit oslog.

Final Notes

Dioxus Logger is the preferred logger to use with Dioxus if it suites your needs. There are more features to come. If there are any feature suggestions or issues with Dioxus Logger, feel free to reach out on the Dioxus Discord Server!

For more information, visit Dioxus Logger's docs.