Component Props
Just like you can pass arguments to a function or attributes to an element, you can pass props to a component that customize its behavior! The components we've seen so far didn't accept any props – so let's write some components that do.
Component props are a single struct annotated with #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Props)]
. For a component to accept props, the type of its argument must be YourPropsStruct
#[derive(PartialEq, Props, Clone)] struct LikesProps { score: i32, } fn Likes(props: LikesProps) -> Element { rsx! { div { "This post has " b { "{props.score}" } " likes" } } }
You can then pass prop values to the component the same way you would pass attributes to an element:
pub fn App() -> Element { rsx! { Likes { score: 42 } } }
Prop Options
The #[derive(Props)]
macro has some features that let you customize the behavior of props.
Optional Props
You can create optional fields by using the Option<…>
type for a field:
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Props)] struct OptionalProps { title: String, subtitle: Option<String>, } fn Title(props: OptionalProps) -> Element { rsx! { h1 { "{props.title}: ", {props.subtitle.unwrap_or_else(|| "No subtitle provided".to_string())} } } }
Then, you can choose to either provide them or not:
Title { title: "Some Title" } Title { title: "Some Title", subtitle: "Some Subtitle" } // Providing an Option explicitly won't compile though: // Title { // title: "Some Title", // subtitle: None, // },
Explicitly Required Option
If you want to explicitly require an Option
, and not an optional prop, you can annotate it with #[props(!optional)]
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Props)] struct ExplicitOptionProps { title: String, #[props(!optional)] subtitle: Option<String>, } fn ExplicitOption(props: ExplicitOptionProps) -> Element { rsx! { h1 { "{props.title}: ", {props.subtitle.unwrap_or_else(|| "No subtitle provided".to_string())} } } }
Then, you have to explicitly pass either Some("str")
or None
ExplicitOption { title: "Some Title", subtitle: None } ExplicitOption { title: "Some Title", subtitle: Some("Some Title".to_string()) } // This won't compile: // ExplicitOption { // title: "Some Title", // },
Default Props
You can use #[props(default = 42)]
to make a field optional and specify its default value:
#[derive(PartialEq, Props, Clone)] struct DefaultProps { // default to 42 when not provided #[props(default = 42)] number: i64, } fn DefaultComponent(props: DefaultProps) -> Element { rsx! { h1 { "{props.number}" } } }
Then, similarly to optional props, you don't have to provide it:
DefaultComponent { number: 5 } DefaultComponent {}
Automatic Conversion with into
It is common for Rust functions to accept impl Into<SomeType>
rather than just SomeType
to support a wider range of parameters. If you want similar functionality with props, you can use #[props(into)]
. For example, you could add it on a String
prop – and &str
will also be automatically accepted, as it can be converted into String
#[derive(PartialEq, Props, Clone)] struct IntoProps { #[props(into)] string: String, } fn IntoComponent(props: IntoProps) -> Element { rsx! { h1 { "{props.string}" } } }
Then, you can use it so:
IntoComponent { string: "some &str" }
The component macro
So far, every Component function we've seen had a corresponding ComponentProps struct to pass in props. This was quite verbose... Wouldn't it be nice to have props as simple function arguments? Then we wouldn't need to define a Props struct, and instead of typing props.whatever
, we could just use whatever
allows you to do just that. Instead of typing the "full" version:
#[derive(Props, Clone, PartialEq)] struct TitleCardProps { title: String, } fn TitleCard(props: TitleCardProps) -> Element { rsx!{ h1 { "{props.title}" } } } can define a function that accepts props as arguments. Then, just annotate it with #[component]
, and the macro will turn it into a regular Component for you:
#[component] fn TitleCard(title: String) -> Element { rsx!{ h1 { "{title}" } } }
While the new Component is shorter and easier to read, this macro should not be used by library authors since you have less control over Prop documentation.
Component Children
In some cases, you may wish to create a component that acts as a container for some other content, without the component needing to know what that content is. To achieve this, create a prop of type Element
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Props)] struct ClickableProps { href: String, body: Element, } fn Clickable(props: ClickableProps) -> Element { rsx! { a { href: "{props.href}", class: "fancy-button", {props.body} } } }
Then, when rendering the component, you can pass in the output of rsx!{...}
rsx! { Clickable { href: "", body: rsx! { "How to " i { "not" } " be seen" } } }
Warning: While it may compile, do not include the same
more than once in the RSX. The resulting behavior is unspecified.
The children field
Rather than passing the RSX through a regular prop, you may wish to accept children similarly to how elements can have children. The "magic" children
prop lets you achieve this:
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Props)] struct ClickableProps { href: String, children: Element, } fn Clickable(props: ClickableProps) -> Element { rsx! { a { href: "{props.href}", class: "fancy-button", {props.children} } } }
This makes using the component much simpler: simply put the RSX inside the {}
brackets – and there is no need for a render
call or another macro!
rsx! { Clickable { href: "", "How to " i { "not" } " be seen" } }