Setting up Tooling

Before we get started, make sure you've followed the Getting Started page on installing the required dependencies.

We will be primarily developing HotDog as web application, but we still recommend setting up the relevant tooling for desktop and mobile development as well.


We covered the setup instructions in Getting Started, but first you should verify everything is set up properly:

  • Rust is installed
  • You have a code editor installed
  • The wasm32-unknown-unknown Rust toolchain is installed
  • The dioxus-cli is installed and up-to-date
  • System-specific dependencies are installed

Verify your setup

Before proceeding, make sure you have the dioxus-cli installed and up-to-date.

Verify the returned version matches this guide (eg 0.6) by running:

dx --version

All the Commands

You can also run dx help which will give you a list of useful commands and some information on how to use dx.

Build, Bundle & Ship Dioxus Apps


  build      Build the Dioxus project and all of its assets
  translate  Translate a source file into Dioxus code
  serve      Build, watch & serve the Dioxus project and all of its assets
  new        Create a new project for Dioxus
  init       Init a new project for Dioxus in the current directory (by default). Will attempt to keep your project in a good state
  clean      Clean output artifacts
  bundle     Bundle the Dioxus app into a shippable object
  fmt        Automatically format RSX
  check      Check the project for any issues
  run        Run the project without any hotreloading
  config     Dioxus config file controls
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --verbose      Use verbose output [default: false]
      --trace        Use trace output [default: false]
      --json-output  Output logs in JSON format
  -h, --help         Print help
  -V, --version      Print version

If dx is installed properly, then you're ready to proceed!