
Now that our HotDog app is scaffolded and styled, we can finally add some interactive elements.

Encapsulating State

Before we get too far, let's split our app into two parts: the Title and the DogView. This will help us organize our app and keep the DogView state separated from Title state.

fn App() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        document::Stylesheet { href: CSS }
        Title {}
        DogView {}

fn Title() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        div { id: "title",
            h1 { "HotDog! 🌭" }

fn DogView() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        div { id: "dogview",
            img { src: "" }
        div { id: "buttons",
            button { id: "skip", "skip" }
            button { id: "save", "save!" }

Event Handlers

In the DogView component, we want to attach an action to the click of the buttons. For example: skipping or saving the current dog photo. We can use an EventListener to listen for the click events.

Event handlers are similar to regular attributes, but their name usually starts with on - and they accept closures as values. The closure will be called whenever its corresponding event is triggered. The listener receives information about the event in the Event object.

We'll add some closures inline and then pass them to the onclick attribute for both the skip and save buttons:

fn DogView() -> Element {
    let skip = move |evt| {};
    let save = move |evt| {};

    rsx! {
        // ...
        div { id: "buttons",
            button { onclick: skip, id: "skip",  "skip" }
            button { onclick: save, id: "save",  "save!" }

You can read more about Event Handlers in the Event Handler reference

State with use_hook

So far, our components have no internal state. For our DogView, we want to change the currently displayed dog photo whenever the user clicks skip or save.

To store state in components, Dioxus provides the use_hook function. This makes it possible for bare Rust functions to store and load state without the use of an extra struct.

When called in a component, the use_hook function will return a .clone() of the originally stored value:

fn DogView() -> Element {
    let img_src = use_hook(|| "");

    // ..

    rsx! {
        div { id: "dogview",
            img { src: "{img_src}" }
        // ..

Dioxus hooks are very similar to React's hooks and need to follow some simple rules to function properly.

Signals and use_signal

While use_hook makes it possible to store any value that implements Clone, you'll frequently want a more capable form of state management. Built-in to Dioxus are signals.

Signal is a wrapper type around an ordinary Rust value that tracks reads and writes, bringing your app to life. You can wrap any Rust value in a signal. Signals can be created manually with Signal::new() but we strongly recommend using the use_signal hook instead.

📣 Manually creating Signals requires remembering to call .dispose() on the signal whereas use_signal cleans the Signal up for you automatically.

Whenever a signal's value changes, its containing "reactive scope" will be "marked dirty" and re-run. By default, Dioxus components are reactive scopes, and thus, will re-render whenever a signal value changes.

Signals are core to Dioxus and take time to master. We recommend reading the state management guide in depth before diving into your first large app.

Global State with Context

While hooks are good for state local to components, occasionally you'll want to manage state for your entire app.

Dioxus provides two mechanisms: Context and GlobalSignal.

The Context API makes it possible for parent components to share state with child components without explicitly declaring an additional property field. This is used by larger apps and libraries to share state across the app without modifying component signatures.

To "provide" context, simply call use_context_provider() with a struct that implements Clone. To read the context in a child, call use_context().

// Create a new wrapper type
struct TitleState(String);

fn App() -> Element {
    // Provide that type as a Context
    use_context_provider(|| TitleState("HotDog".to_string()));
    rsx! {
        Title {}

fn Title() -> Element {
    // Consume that type as a Context
    let title = use_context::<TitleState>();
    rsx! {
        h1 { "{title.0}" }

You can combine use_signal and Context to provide reactive state to your app:

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct MusicPlayer {
    song: Signal<String>

fn use_music_player_provider() {
    let song = use_signal(|| "Drift Away".to_string());
    use_context_provider(|| MusicPlayer { song });

With use_context and consume_context, you can easily reach up to modify that state:

fn Player() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            onclick: move |_| consume_context::<MusicPlayer>().song.set("Vienna"),

Any components that read the song signal will automatically re-render when the value changes.

Global Signals

Occasionally you'll want a simple global value. This is where GlobalSignal helps. GlobalSignals are a combination of the Context system and Signals that require no additional structs or setup.

Simply declare a GlobalSignal somewhere in your app:

static SONG: GlobalSignal<String> = Signal::global(|| "Drift Away".to_string());

And then read and write to it from anywhere:

fn Player() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        h3 { "Now playing {SONG}" }
        button {
            onclick: move |_| *SONG.write() = "Vienna".to_string(),

📣 GlobalSignals are only global to one app - not the entire program. On the server, every app gets its own GlobalSignal.

We won't need either GlobalSignal or Context for HotDog, but it's important to know that these are available to you.