Adding a Backend

Dioxus is a fullstack framework, meaning it allows you to seamlessly build your frontend alongside your backend.

We provide a number of utilities like Server Functions, Server Futures, and Server State for you to integrate into your apps. In this chapter, we'll cover loading and saving state to our backend with Server Functions. For an in-depth guide on fullstack, check out the dedicated Fullstack Guide.

Enabling Fullstack

Before we can start using server functions, we need to enable the "fullstack" feature on Dioxus in our Cargo.toml.

dioxus = { version = "0.6.0", features = ["fullstack"] }

We also need to add the "server" feature to our app's features in the Cargo.toml and remove the default web target.

default = [] # <----- remove the default web target
web = ["dioxus/web"]
desktop = ["dioxus/desktop"]
mobile = ["dioxus/mobile"]
server = ["dioxus/server"] # <----- add this additional target

If you selected yes to the "use fullstack?" prompt when creating your app, you will already have this set up!

📣 Unfortunately, dx doesn't know how to hot-reload this change, so we'll need to kill our currently running dx serve process and launch it again.

Now instead of running dx serve, you need to run with a manual platform with dx serve --platform web. Give your app a moment to build again and make sure that the "fullstack" feature is enabled in the dashboard.

Fullstack Enabled

Server Functions: an inline RPC system

Dioxus integrates with the server_fn crate to provide a simple inline communication system for your apps. The server_fn crate makes it easy to build your app's backend with just basic Rust functions. Server Functions are async functions annotated with the #[server] attribute.

A typical server function looks like this:

async fn save_dog(image: String) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {

Every server function is an async function that takes some parameters and returns a Result<(), ServerFnError>. Whenever the client calls the server function, it sends an HTTP request to a corresponding endpoint on the server. The parameters of the server function are serialized as the body of the HTTP request. As a result, each argument must be serializable.

On the client, the server function expands to a reqwest call:

// on the client:
async fn save_dog(image: String) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {

On the server, the server function expands to an axum handler:

// on the server:
struct SaveDogArgs {
    image: String,

async fn save_dog(Json(args): Json<SaveDogArgs>) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {

When dioxus::launch is called, the server functions are automatically registered for you and set up as an Axum router.

async fn launch(config: ServeConfig, app: fn() -> Element) {
    // register server functions
    let router = axum::Router::new().serve_dioxus_application(config, app);

    // start server
    let socket_addr = dioxus_cli_config::fullstack_address_or_localhost();
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(socket_addr).await.unwrap();
    axum::serve(listener, router).await.unwrap();

As of Dioxus 0.6, we only support the axum server framework. We plan to build additional server features in the future and only support axum to ship faster.

In some cases, the dioxus::launch function might be too limiting for your use-case on the server. You can easily drop down to axum by changing your The dioxus::launch function also handles setting up logging and reading environment variables, which you will have to handle yourself.

fn main() {
    #[cfg(feature = "server")]
    #[cfg(not(feature = "server"))]

#[cfg(feature = "server")]
async fn launch_server() {
    // Connect to dioxus' logging infrastructure

    // Connect to the IP and PORT env vars passed by the Dioxus CLI (or your dockerfile)
    let socket_addr = dioxus_cli_config::fullstack_address_or_localhost();

    // Build a custom axum router
    let router = axum::Router::new()
        .serve_dioxus_application(ServeConfigBuilder::new(), App)

    // And launch it!
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(socket_addr).await.unwrap();
    axum::serve(listener, router).await.unwrap();

The Client/Server split

When Dioxus builds your fullstack apps, it actually creates two separate applications: the server and the client. To achieve this, dx passes different features to each build.

  • The client is built with --feature web
  • The server is built with --feature server

Server Client Split

When embedding server code in our apps, we need to be careful about which code gets compiled. The body of the server function is designed to only be executed on the server - not the client. Any code configured by the "server" feature will not be present in the final app. Conversely, any code not configured by the "server" feature will make it into the final app.

// ❌ this will leak your DB_PASSWORD to your client app!
static DB_PASSWORD: &str = "1234";

async fn DoThing() -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    // ...

Instead, we recommend placing server-only code within modules configured for the "server" feature.

// ✅ code in this module can only be accessed on the server
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
mod server_utils {
    pub static DB_PASSWORD: &str = "1234";

In addition to the "server" feature, Dioxus expects a client side rendering feature like "web" or "desktop". Some libraries like web-sys only work when running in the browser, so make sure to not run specific client code in your server functions or before your launch. You can place client only code under a config for a client target feature like "web".

fn main() {
    // ❌ attempting to use web_sys on the server will panic!
    let window = web_sys::window();

    // ..


Managing Dependencies

Some dependencies like Tokio only compile properly when targeting native platforms. Other dependencies like jni-sys only work properly when running on a specific platform. In these cases, you'll want to make sure that these dependencies are only compiled when a particular feature is enabled. To do this, we can use Rust's optional flag on dependencies in our Cargo.toml.

tokio = { version = "1", optional = true }

default = []
server = ["dep:tokio"]

Eventually, if your project becomes large enough, you might want to pull your server functions out into their own crate to be used across different apps. We'd create a server crate in our workspace:

├── Cargo.toml
└── crates
    ├── dashboard
    ├── marketplace
    └── server

And then we'd import the server functions in our app, disabling their "server" feature.

server = { workspace = true, default-features = false }

We provide a longer guide about the details of managing dependencies across the server and the client here.

Our HotDog Server Function

Revisiting our HotDog app, let's create a new server function that saves our favorite dog to a file called dogs.txt. In production, you'd want to use a proper database as covered in the next chapter, but for now we'll use a simple file to test things out.

// Expose a `save_dog` endpoint on our server that takes an "image" parameter
async fn save_dog(image: String) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    use std::io::Write;

    // Open the `dogs.txt` file in append-only mode, creating it if it doesn't exist;
    let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new()

    // And then write a newline to it with the image url


Calling the server function

Now, in our client code, we can actually call the server function.

fn DogView() -> Element {
    let mut img_src = use_resource(snipped!());

    // ...
    rsx! {
        // ...
        div { id: "buttons",
            // ...
            button {
                id: "save",
                onclick: move |_| async move {
                    let current = img_src.cloned().unwrap();
                    _ = save_dog(current).await;


Wow, our app is really coming together!

Server functions are extremely capable and can even be used during server-side-rendering. Check out the complete fullstack guide for more information.