Component Lifecycle

Initializing State with use_hook

use_hook lets you create new state for your component. The closure you pass to use_hook will be called once the first time the component is rendered. Every time the component is re-rendered, the value that was created the first run will be re-used.

fn UseHook() -> Element {
    // The closure that is passed to use_hook will be called once the first time the component is rendered
    let random_number = use_hook(|| {
        let new_random_number = random_number();



    rsx! {
        div { "Random {random_number}" }
Random 13.97


You can use tracked values to re-render your component whenever a value changes.

fn Rerenders() -> Element {
    let mut count = use_signal(|| 0);

    log!("Rerendering parent component with {}", *count.peek());

    rsx! {
        button { onclick: move |_| count += 1, "Increment" }
        // Since we read count here, the component will rerender when count changes
        Count { current_count: count() }

// If the count prop changes, the component will rerender
fn Count(current_count: i32) -> Element {
    log!("Rerendering child component with {current_count}");

    rsx! {
        div { "The count is {current_count}" }
The count is 0

⚠️ Don't mutate state in the body of a component

You should avoid changing state in the body of a component. If you read and write to state in the body of a component, you can cause an infinite loop as the component tries to rerender because of the change which triggers another state change.

fn Bad() -> Element {
    let mut count = use_signal(|| 0);

    // ❌ Don't mutate state in the body of the component.
    // It can easily cause an infinite loop!
    count += 1;

    rsx! { "{count}" }

Instead, derive state with use_memo, use_resource, or mutate state in a effect.

Using Effects

You can use effects to run code whenever a component is rendered.

fn Effect() -> Element {
    // Effects run after the component is rendered
    // You can use them to read or modify the rendered component
    use_effect(|| {
        log!("Effect ran");
            "document.getElementById('effect-output').innerText = 'Effect ran'"

    rsx! {
        div { id: "effect-output", "This will be changed by the effect" }
This will be changed by the effect

Cleaning Up Components with Drop

Before a component is dropped, it will drop all of its hooks. You can use this drop behavior to clean up any resources that your component is using. If you just need the drop effect, you can use the use_drop hook.

fn TogglesChild() -> Element {
    let mut show = use_signal(|| true);

    rsx! {
        button { onclick: move |_| show.toggle(), "Toggle" }
        if show() {
            Child {}

fn Child() -> Element {
    // You can use the use_drop hook to clean up any resources
    use_drop(|| {
        log!("Child dropped");

    rsx! {
        div { "Child" }