How to Upgrade to Dioxus 0.6

This guide will outline the API changes between the 0.5 and 0.6 releases. The 0.6 release contains a breaking changes to:

  • The Element type
  • Prevent default
  • Assets with Manganis
  • dioxus_logger integration with dioxus
  • The launch function
  • The eval function
  • The dioxus-fullstack crate
  • The router crate
  • The derive(Props) macro
  • The dioxus-core crate
  • Custom renderer API
  • Global state management


The element type has changed from Option<VNode> to Result<VNode, RenderError>. This makes it possible to bubble up errors while rendering with the ? operator, but it does remove the ability to return None from a component. Instead of returning None, you can return VNode::empty() or an empty rsx! macro.

Dioxus 0.5:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    let number = use_signal(|| -1);

    if number() < 0 {
        // ❌ In dioxus 0.6, the element type is a result, so None values cannot be returned directly
        return None;

    rsx! {
        "Positive number: {number}"

Dioxus 0.6:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    let number = use_signal(|| -1);

    if number() < 0 {
        // ✅ You can return VNode::empty() instead
        return VNode::empty();
    if number() < 0 {
        // ✅ Or an empty rsx! macro
        return rsx! {};

    rsx! {
        "Positive number: {number}"

Prevent Default

Dioxus 0.1-0.5 used the prevent_default attribute to prevent default behavior of event handlers for every event. Dioxus 0.6 introduces more fine-grained control over preventing default behavior with the prevent_default function on the event type. Instead of setting the prevent_default attribute for all events you want to prevent, you can create event handlers that call event.prevent_default().

Dioxus 0.5:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        a {
            href: "",
            // ❌ The prevent default attribute is deprecated in dioxus 0.6
            prevent_default: "onclick",
            "Don't navigate to"

Dioxus 0.6:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        a {
            href: "",
            // ✅ Instead, you can call event.prevent_default() inside the event handler
            onclick: move |event| event.prevent_default(),
            "Don't navigate to"

Note: Since event handlers run on the server in Liveview, events cannot be prevented quickly inside the event handler. Because of this, the new prevent_default method does not prevent default behavior in Liveview.

Instead you can use javascript inside the onclick handler to prevent default behavior.

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        a {
            href: "",
            // ✅ In liveview, you can use javascript to prevent default behavior
            "onclick": "event.preventDefault()",
            "Don't navigate to"


The syntax of the asset! macro has changed in Dioxus 0.6. Instead of accepting a single argument with both the path and the configuration for the asset, you can now pass in the path as the first argument and the configuration as a optional second argument.

The path the asset! macro accepts has also changed. Previously, the macro used to accept absolute and relative paths where relative paths were relative to the current crate directory. Now the macro only accepts absolute paths which are resolved relative to the root of the crate.

Dioxus 0.5:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        img {
            src: asset!(image("./assets/static/bundle.png").size(100, 100))

Dioxus 0.6:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        img {
            src: asset!("/assets/static/bundle.png", ImageAssetOptions::new().with_size(ImageSize::Manual { width: 100, height: 100 }))


Dioxus 0.6 brings the dioxus-logger crate directly into dioxus itself.

Previously, you needed to add dioxus-logger to your Cargo.toml and then call its init function:

// cargo.toml:
// dioxus-logger = "0.5"

use dioxus::prelude::*;
use tracing::Level;

fn main() {
    // Init logger
    dioxus_logger::init(Level::INFO).expect("failed to init logger");

    // Dioxus launch code

Now, in Dioxus 0.6, the logger is implicit with launch. Simply call launch and the logger is initialized to a default log level. In development mode, the Debug tracing level is set, and in release only the Info level is set.

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn main() {

If you still need to set the level manually or configure a custom subscriber, do that before launch. We expose the initialize_default function in case you need additional logging before your launch call:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn main() {

    tracing::info!("Logs received!");



The launch function was removed from the prelude. You must now import the launch method from dioxus or use it by its full path:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // ❌ launch(app);
    dioxus::launch(app); // ✅

See for more details.


  • eval was moved from the prelude to the document module. You must now call it with document::eval instead of eval:
use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    // ❌ use_effect(|| eval("console.log(1)"));
    use_effect(|| document::eval("console.log(1)")); // ✅

    rsx! {}
  • The eval feature flag was removed from the dioxus-html crate and the functionality of EvalProvider was moved to the new dioxus-document crate. Custom renderers must now provide a Rc<dyn Document> context to the application to make eval and head elements work correctly. See for more details.
  • Eval::recv and Eval::join now returns any value that implements DeserializeOwned instead of serde_json::Value. Eval::send now accepts any value that implements Serialize. See for more details


  • The feature dioxus/axum was renamed to dioxus/server
default = []
# ❌ server = ["dioxus/axum"]
server = ["dioxus/server"] #web = ["dioxus/web"]

See for more details

  • The fullstack::Config item was removed. You can now pass the platform configs into the LaunchBuilder directly. For example, if you want to set the rootname on each platform, you can set the root name in each config:
    // Only set the server config if the server feature is enabled
    .with_cfg(server_only! {
    // You also need to set the root id in your web config
    .with_cfg(web! {
    // And desktop config
    .with_cfg(desktop! {

See for more details.

  • The dioxus-cli now proxies fullstack applications at a port behind a reverse proxy. If you have a custom axum server, you must serve your application at the port returned by dioxus_cli_config::server_port and the address returned by dioxus_cli_config::server_ip or the complete address returned by dioxus_cli_config::fullstack_address_or_localhost during development:
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
async fn main() {
    // Get the address the server should run on. If the CLI is running, the CLI proxies fullstack into the main address
    // and we use the generated address the CLI gives us
    let address = dioxus_cli_config::fullstack_address_or_localhost();

    // Launch the fullstack application on the address the CLI is proxying
    let router = axum::Router::new()
        .serve_dioxus_application(ServeConfigBuilder::default(), App);

    let router = router.into_make_service();
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(address).await.unwrap();
    axum::serve(listener, router).await.unwrap();

See for more details.

  • serve_dioxus_application was changed to accept a component directly instead of a virtual dom factory. See for more details.
  • register_server_fns was renamed to register_server_functions. See for more details.
  • RenderHandleState::new accepts a new ServeConfig argument. See for more details.
  • ServeConfigBuilder::build returns a result. It may fail during desktop builds if no index.html file is found. This error is fine to ignore in desktop builds. You can pass the builder directly to serve_dioxus_application to only serve the index.html file if it exists. See for more details.
  • dioxus_fullstack::Config::addr was removed. You can now export the PORT and IP environment variables to set the address the launch method uses for the server.



  • #[props(into)] is ignore on any String props. String props already accept impl ToString which is implemented for many of the same types, but if you implement Into<String> for a specific type, your code may require some changes. See for more details
  • Properties that start with an uppercase letter are no longer accepted. This allows us to autocomplete Components. See for more details.

State Management

Core changes

Custom Renderers

If you are building a custom renderer, there were some breaking changes to hot reloading and rsx that you should be aware of:

  • The CLI hot reloading format changed significantly. Custom renderers must switch from dioxus-hot-reload to dioxus_devtools. Renderers can connect to the hot reloading engine with the [ connect ] ( function. See for more details.
  • The format of custom elements was changed to improve autocomplete. The dioxus_elements namespace must now contain each element as a module with a TAG_NAME and NAME_SPACE constant inside that module. Each attribute should be another constant in that module. The top-level dioxus_elements module should contain a completions module with a CompleteWithBraces enum that re-exports each element the namespace supports for braces autocomplete. See for more details.
  • The format for custom event handlers changed include eventname::call_with_explicit_closure to provide better type inference for inline closures. See for more details

If you are also using dioxus-html, there are a few more breaking changes:

Minor Breaking Changes

There were several more minor breaking changes in Dioxus 0.6: