Managing State

In Dioxus, your app is defined as a function of the current state. As the state changes, the parts of your app that depend on that state will automatically re-run. Reactivity automatically tracks state and updates derived state in your application.

Creating State

You can create mutable state in Dioxus with Signals. Signals are tracked values that automatically update your app when you change them. They form the skeleton of your app's state from which you can derive other state. Signals are often driven directly from user input through event handlers or async tasks.

You can create a signal with the use_signal hook:

let mut signal = use_signal(|| 0);

Once you have your signal, you can clone it by calling the signal like a function or get a reference to the inner value with the .read() method:

// Call the signal like a function to clone the current value
let value: i32 = signal();
// get a reference to the inner value with the .read() method
let value: &i32 = &;
// or use one of the traits implemented for Signal like Display

Finally, you can set the value of the signal with the .set() method or get a mutable reference to the inner value with the .write() method:

// Set the value from the signal
// get a mutable reference to the inner value with the .write() method
let mut value: &mut i32 = &mut signal.write();
*value += 1;

Reactive Scopes

The simplest reactive primitive in Dioxus is the use_effect hook. It creates a closure that is run any time a tracked value that is run inside the closure changes.

Any value you read inside the closure will become a dependency of the effect. If the value changes, the effect will rerun.

fn Effect() -> Element {
    // use_signal creates a tracked value called count
    let mut count = use_signal(|| 0);

    use_effect(move || {
        // When we read count, it becomes a dependency of the effect
        let current_count = count();
        // Whenever count changes, the effect will rerun

    rsx! {
        button { onclick: move |_| count += 1, "Increment" }

        div { "Count is {count}" }
Count is 0

Derived State

use_memo is a reactive primitive that lets you derive state from any tracked value. It takes a closure that computes the new state and returns a tracked value with the current state of the memo. Any time a dependency of the memo changes, the memo will rerun.

The value you return from the closure will only change when the output of the closure changes ( PartialEq between the old and new value returns false).

fn Memo() -> Element {
    let mut count = use_signal(|| 0);

    // use_memo creates a tracked value that is derived from count
    // Since we read count inside the closure, it becomes a dependency of the memo
    // Whenever count changes, the memo will rerun
    let half_count = use_memo(move || count() / 2);

    use_effect(move || {
        // half_count is itself a tracked value
        // When we read half_count, it becomes a dependency of the effect
        // and the effect will rerun when half_count changes

    rsx! {
        button { onclick: move |_| count += 1, "Increment" }

        div { "Count is {count}" }
        div { "Half count is {half_count}" }
Count is 0
Half count is 0

Derived Async State

use_resource is a reactive primitive that lets you derive state from any async closure. It takes an async closure that computes the new state and returns a tracked value with the current state of the resource. Any time a dependency of the resource changes, the resource will rerun.

The value you return from the closure will only change when the state of the future changes. Unlike use_memo, the resource's output is not memoized with PartialEq.

fn Resource() -> Element {
    let mut count = use_signal(|| 0);

    // use_resource creates a tracked value that is derived from count
    // Since we read count inside the closure, it becomes a dependency of the resource
    // Whenever count changes, the resource will rerun
    let half_count = use_resource(move || async move {
        // You can do async work inside resources
        count() / 2

    use_effect(move || {
        // half_count is itself a tracked value
        // When we read half_count, it becomes a dependency of the effect
        // and the effect will rerun when half_count changes
        log!("{:?}", half_count());

    rsx! {
        button { onclick: move |_| count += 1, "Change Signal" }

        div { "Count is {count}" }
        div { "Half count is {half_count():?}" }
Count is 0
Half count is None

Derived UI

Components are functions that return some UI. They memorize the output of the function just like memos. Components keep track of any dependencies you read inside the component and rerun when those dependencies change.

fn Component() -> Element {
    let mut count = use_signal(|| 0);

    rsx! {
        button { onclick: move |_| count += 1, "Change Signal" }

        // Since we read count inside Component, it becomes a dependency of Component
        // Whenever count changes, Component will rerun
        Count { count: count() }

// Components automatically memorize their props. If the props change, Count will rerun
fn Count(count: i32) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        div { "Count: {count}" }
Count: 0
Count: 0

Working with Untracked State

Most of the state in your app will be tracked values. All built in hooks return tracked values, and we encourage custom hooks to do the same. However, there are times when you need to work with untracked state. For example, you may receive a raw untracked value in props. When you read an untracked value inside a reactive context, it will not subscribe to the value:

fn Component() -> Element {
    let mut count = use_signal(|| 0);

    rsx! {
        button { onclick: move |_| count += 1, "Change Signal" }

        Count { count: count() }

// The count reruns the component when it changes, but it is not a tracked value
fn Count(count: i32) -> Element {
    // When you read count inside the memo, it does not subscribe to the count signal
    // because the value is not reactive
    let double_count = use_memo(move || count * 2);

    rsx! {
        div { "Double count: {double_count}" }
Double count: 0
Double count: 0

You can start tracking raw state with the use_reactive hook. This hook takes a tuple of dependencies and returns a reactive closure. When the closure is called in a reactive context, it will track subscribe to the dependencies and rerun the closure when the dependencies change.

fn Count(count: i32) -> Element {
    // You can manually track a non-reactive value with the use_reactive hook
    let double_count = use_memo(
        // Use reactive takes a tuple of dependencies and returns a reactive closure
        use_reactive!(|(count,)| count * 2),

    rsx! {
        div { "Double count: {double_count}" }
Double count: 0
Double count: 0

Making Props Reactive

To avoid losing reactivity with props, we recommend you wrap any props you want to track in a ReadOnlySignal. Dioxus will automatically convert T into ReadOnlySignal<T> when you pass props to the component. This will ensure your props are tracked and rerun any state you derive in the component:

// You can track props by wrapping the type in a ReadOnlySignal
// Dioxus will automatically convert T into ReadOnlySignal<T> when you pass
// props to the component
fn Count(count: ReadOnlySignal<i32>) -> Element {
    // Then when you read count inside the memo, it subscribes to the count signal
    let double_count = use_memo(move || count() * 2);

    rsx! {
        div { "Double count: {double_count}" }
Double count: 0
Double count: 0

Moving Around State

As you create signals and derived state in your app, you will need to move around that state between components. Dioxus provides three different ways to pass around state:

Passing props

You can pass your values through component props. This should be your default when passing around state. It is the most explicit and local to your component. Use this until it gets annoying to pass around the value:

pub fn ParentComponent() -> Element {
    let count = use_signal(|| 0);

    rsx! {
        "Count is {count}"
        IncrementButton {

fn IncrementButton(mut count: Signal<i32>) -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            onclick: move |_| count += 1,
Count is 0

Passing context

If you need a slightly more powerful way to pass around state, you can use the context API.

The context API lets you pass state from a parent component to all children. This is useful if you want to share state between many components. You can insert a unique type into the context with the use_context_provider hook in the parent component. Then you can access the context in any child component with the use_context hook.

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct MyState {
    count: Signal<i32>,

pub fn ParentComponent() -> Element {
    // Use context provider provides an unique type to all children of this component
    let state = use_context_provider(|| MyState {
        count: Signal::new(0),

    rsx! {
        "Count is {state.count}"
        // IncrementButton will have access to the count without explicitly passing it through props
        IncrementButton {}

fn IncrementButton() -> Element {
    // Use context gets the value from a parent component
    let mut count = use_context::<MyState>().count;

    rsx! {
        button {
            onclick: move |_| count += 1,
Count is 0

This is slightly less explicit than passing it as a prop, but it is still local to the component. This is really great if you want state that is global to part of your app. It lets you create multiple global-ish states while still making state different when you reuse components. If I create a new ParentComponent, it will have a new MyState.

Using globals

Finally, if you have truly global state, you can put your state in a Global<T> static. This is useful if you want to share state with your whole app:

use dioxus::prelude::*;
// Globals are created the first time you access them with the closure you pass to Global::new
static COUNT: GlobalSignal<i32> = Global::new(|| 0);

pub fn ParentComponent() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        "Count is {COUNT}"
        IncrementButton {}

fn IncrementButton() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            // You don't need to pass anything around or get anything out of the context because COUNT is global
            onclick: move |_| *COUNT.write() += 1,
Count is 0

Global state can be very ergonomic if your state is truly global, but you shouldn't use it if you need state to be different for different instances of your component. If I create another IncrementButton it will use the same COUNT. Libraries should generally avoid this to make components more reusable.

Note: Even though it is in a static, COUNT will be different for each app instance so you don't need to worry about state mangling when multiple instances of your app are running on the server